Solve your Microsoft compliance challenges - enabling journal archiving for EXO and non-Microsoft content types - with journal365

The Microsoft Archiving Challenge
Enterprises in highly regulated and litigious industries are prevented from fully adopting Microsoft 365 archiving and eDiscovery capabilities due to the inability to journal archive with Microsoft 365.
What is journaling and journal archiving?
Journaling is the practice of compliantly preserving all communications for use in a company's retention or archiving policy. Emails are copied from the mailbox into a dedicated sandbox for storing, creating an exact, immutable, copy of the email original which is then preserved in an archive for preservation and eDiscovery.
Why is journaling not available in Microsoft 365?
With the support and economic complexities paired with the tremendous traffic journal mailboxes create, it is highly unlikely Microsoft will change its stance on journaling in Microsoft 365 - ultimately preventing enterprises from fully adopting their Microsoft suite of solutions,
What is journal365?
journal365 is a component deployed in Azure that enables journaling of Microsoft 365 data, searchable and enable through Microsoft Purview.

journal365 provides enterprises with a simple and cost effective hack to compliantly adopt and maximize Microsoft 365 archiving and eDiscovery.
Save millions on third-party archive costs with a simple and compliant adoption of Microsoft 365
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Enable journal archiving with Microsoft 365
Cost Savings
Retire legacy third-party archive solutions and maximize your existing Microsoft portfolio.
journal365 can be deployed in multiple Azure tenancies with geo-dispersed journal feeds while maintaining centralized access and management.
journal365 proactively indexes data upon ingestion for immediate search results in Microsoft Purview eDiscovery.
Easy Adoption
Like all products in the arcivium suite, journal365 is purchasble through the Microsoft marketplace for quick and easy adoption.
Inactive Users
Retire legacy user licenses in Microsoft 365 and third-party archives by w
A simple and compliant solution for your Microsoft 365 needs
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